117 Celeb Galleries Added

Hello my dear kinksters. I’m posting this short note to let you know that today I updated the Celebrity Category adding 117 brand new photo galleries with content from the website Cinema Cult.

Cinema Cult is a website where you can find a huge selection of video clips in high definition featuring the beautiful nude scene from the movies. Content range from the classic movies from the 70s and 80s to the latest TV Series. If you’re a cinema fan you can’t miss it.

I hope you like the new content. Have fun!

From: La mala ordina (AKA The Italian Connection)

From: La mala ordina (AKA The Italian Connection)

Anne Hathaway naked, from movie "Havoc"

Anne Hathaway naked, from movie “Havoc”

From: The Night Porter

From: The Night Porter

From: Secret Diary of a Call Girl [Season 1]

From: Secret Diary of a Call Girl [Season 1]

Legendary Karin Shubert

If you born in the 70s you surely remember Karin Shubert. German blonde star, mother of all milfs, well known in Italy in the 70s for her roles in the sex comedy Italian style, see her in the pictures below on the cover of one of the top Italian porn magazines in the year 1984.

Karen Shubert (Le Ore 2)   Karen Shubert (Le Ore 1)

For those who were born later or missed her performances, Karin Schubert was born 26 November 1944 in Hamburg, Germany. She appeared in film roles in the 1970s before becoming a pornographic actress in the 1980s. Some samples of her work as dramatic actress can be seen on You Tube. She appeared in her last film in 1994 and she eventually retired from public life.

In 1985, at the age of 40, she decided to appear in pornographic films and made a contract for a yearly income of 180,000 DM with the conditions that she won’t appear in anal sex and bestiality scenes and won’t perform with black partners (in 1984, she appeared in the Playboy film production of Black Venus as the lesbian lover of the film’s star, Josephine Jennifer Jones, Miss Bahamas 1979). She made her debut with Morbosamente vostra where she once again found herself playing a character called Cora, this time a schizophrenic housewife. This film is of particular significance since one can easily observe Schubert’s effort to set higher standards of dramaturgy for pornography. Following several Italian porn titles, she bolstered her position as a porn star and in 1990, she starred in a three-film series called Wiener Glut also named Schubertgasse-Sex after her.

For those, like me, who loved her so much, there’s an official fan club that has full biography, uncensored movie clips, complete and detailed filmography page, pictures and movie clips area, fan club page and updated porn stars links page.

Internet Adult Film Database

Hello my kinky friends. Today I want to spend a few words about a free service that can be very useful every time you want to know detailed information about an adult movie and/or its performers.

I’m talking about the Internet Adult Film Databasean online database of information about the adult industry, covering actors, actresses, directors and porn movies. It is similar to the Internet Movie Database, in that it is open to the public and is searchable. Yet another who think that information should be handy and free. True Internet philosophy, people like them make the Internet a so great place.

The Internet Adult Film Database, founded in 1995 by Peter van Aarle, is the premier resource for information about the American porn community on the web. At today their database is covering over 132,000 titles and over 121,000 performers and directors, making it the biggest resource of this kind. Everything is maintained by a volunteer staff of editors. The site costs, which must be relevant, are paid by sponsors for ad banners and by affiliate commission from products purchased via their site. The full history of the project, with more details and curiosities, can be found on Wikipedia.

In February 2013, by going through all the data made available on the database, Jon Millward released his analysis titled Deep Inside: a study of 10,000 porn stars and their careers, a massive infographic that looks at the truth about what the average performer looks like, what they do on film, and how their role has evolved over the last forty years.

ASCII Art, Vanessa del Rio

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